More of My Favorite Bloggers' Favorite Blogs

The following is a continuation of yesterday's post about blogs recommended by my favorite bloggers. All the blogs I've chosen to list appear to be updated frequently, are more than 50% about nature or natural gardening, and appeal to me for one reason or another.

I HIT PAYDIRT AT POLLINATORS WELCOME. Gloria's thorough research turned up the following great nature and wildlife-gardening-related blogs:

Gloria also gives a nod to The Blog of Henry David Thoreau, Burning Silo (2 votes each so far), and Monarch's Nature Blog (up to 4!)

Meanwhile, over at Surburban Wildlife Garden, Dawn is the only one of my favorite bloggers who noticed that Don and Lillian Stokes, authors of the ubiquitous bird books, have a blog. Also, though it's not precisely a blog, I'm grateful to this tireless investigator for discovering that GardenWeb has a forum dedicated to wildlife-friendly gardening.

In Toronto, Native Plant Girl recommends the blog of Southern Ontario native-plant gardenener Garden Nerd. And though it's not a blog, I'm grateful to NPG for pointing out that the popular You Grow Girl website has a forum devoted to discussion of gardening with native plants.

And closer to home, Bloomingwriter Jodi DeLong recommends:

  • The blog for Blithewold, a 33-acre public garden-arboretum on Narragansett Bay in Bristol, RI. I like all the items about garden wildlife.
  • Ontario's Crafty Gardener, with hand-made items for birds.
  • Flatbush Gardener, "Adventures in Neo-Victorian, Wild, Shade, Organic and Native Plant Gardening, Garden Design, and Garden Restoration."
  • Greenbow, the blog of Lisa, a gardener and bird lover in Indiana.

Finally, sustainable gardening writer Susan Harris maintains a lightly annotated list of blogs at her website. One of these days I'll check them out, for but for now I'm going to content myself with getting to know the blogs already listed.

1 comment:

Gloria said...

Happy New year Wild Flora.

Isn't Patrick great? His blogs are full of the wonder of each place every day. He sees what most would miss without his guidance.

Thanks for several new sites to explore and for your own blog. It is a good read always.