A few plums

HERE ARE A PARTICULARLY INTERESTING ITEMS picked from the latest installment of the Wild Ones organization's e-mail newsletter:

Wild Ones now has its own channel on YouTube. At the moment they have 7 videos including tours of the new Wild Ones Ecocenter now and 11 months ago. The rest are photo contests from 2003 through 2008.

The website of the US Fish and Wildlife Service National Wildlife Refuge System now has an educational offering titled Managing Invasive Plants: Concepts, Principles, and Practices. This is designed for people who are managing large natural areas on public land in the United States but some ideas could be adapted to gardens and smaller landscapes. From the gardener's standpoint, the most useful information is in the section on management, particularly physical, chemical, and biological methods of control. If you have enough land, you may be interested in the sections on prescribed grazing (I'm planning to take a good look at the section on goats) and prescribed burning. All the sections are overviews, so if you already know a lot about control of invasive species you may find that there is not much new here.

The Pollinator Partnership is offering a number of handouts that were prepared for the 2008 Pollinator Week last June. These are in pdf format and include:


Unknown said...

very cool. thanks for the links. because i'm attempting to bring my front yard back to meadow, i've been burning in the spring. it's tough 'cos it is windy here in March/April, and i have to atch out for the trees (old fruit and aspen' i've planted) but it really works!when i moved in the land was dead and weedy except for the fruit trees and an old cotton wood copse in the back (which i've left, dead woo and all for critters) i'll take pics come warm weather (and hopefully chickens!)

Wild Flora said...

You're braver than I am. At one point I owned a very nice "weed wand" -- basically a propane torch designed for burning weeds one at a time -- and was too afraid to use it! I couldn't get past the fear that somehow a spark from this one miserable weed would fly away and start a forest fire. (Yes, neurotic -- I know.) I gave it away before moving to Nova Scotia and now I'm really sorry. Not only is it just what I need for killing weeds that grow up in the cracks in the sidewalk but it would also be very helpful for melting ice on the driveway. (In Seattle I didn't have a sidewalk ... or ice.) Do let us know when your pictures are up.